Psychometrica has an experienced and trained team of psychologists who have developed the range of psychometric assessments.

Author Archives: psychometrica

The gift of CREATIVITY

“Just as our eyes need light in order to see, our minds need ideas in order to conceive.” — Napoleon Hill Some problems cannot be solved using the standard problem solving approaches. These problems require innovativeness or creativity in order to arrive at a solution. Thus, creativity involves finding a solution that is both unusual…

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5 Benefits of Outsourcing the Recruitment Process

In today’s scenario where everything has become fast paced, where competition has become global, unemployment rates are high, where the demand of skilled and talented people is more but the supply is less, where turnover and absenteeism has gone up in employees it has become extremely important that companies choose wisely and recruit the ‘right’…

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Five steps to take the risk out of recruitment

In today’s corporate setup a lot of effort goes into the process of recruitment and hiring. Training, grooming, mentoring and handholding are the other processes that follow consequently. After all this work that goes into getting new recruits on board, if they either prove to be incompetent or if they suddenly choose to leave the…

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Are Sales People Born or Made???

Sales and marketing is an important pivot of any business or organization. After all, if an organization is unable to sell what it produces / offers, the business will come to a standstill. Which is why having the right people on your sales team is so crucial. Opinions are divided on whether “selling” is part…

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In today’s fast paced world, we often talk about juggling various professional and personal responsibilities. It needs to be understood that the balance that we talk about is a feeling of fulfilling one’s important roles appropriately. However, all of us at some point or the other face imbalance or conflicts in our struggle to juggle a…

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Want to make a smooth college to career transition? Sharpen your vital competencies from now! We have heard often enough how competitive today’s occupational world is, and how tough it is to survive and thrive in this competition. True enough! Knowing this , is there something we can do right from our college days to get…

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